Tom Cruise is apparently stalking Will Smith. Or perhaps it's a coincidence that the midget religious freak keeps showing up at every big event Smith attends?
Tom was there again last night, as Smith and his half-Leprechaun wife Jada Pinkett celebrated the premiere of Smith's new atrocious-looking movie I Am Legend. Tom's own wife Katie Holmes did not show up at the event, which will doubtless spark a new round of "Katie has been artificially inseminated using Tom's specially formulated alien sperm" rumors.
I'm sorry, but there's no way Will Smith can be happy about Tom deciding to glom onto him like this. I don't want to hear about how they're good buddies either - Will is a smart guy, and knows perfectly well that Tom is radioactive right now from a box-office standpoint. Tom ruins the publicity campaigns for his own movies by acting nuts, so no one with any sense wants him around when they're trying to promote theirs. But, Will probably just can't get rid of him. So when he sees Tom coming he just grits his teeth, mutters, "Here comes the dwarf Jesus again," and rolls with it as best he can.
As to Tom's reasons for attaching himself to Smith...obviously, Tom thinks Will is considered cool, and believes that by being seen with him some of that coolness will rub off, and help him re-establish his own reputation as someone who is not a dork (he was considered fairly hip for five minutes back in the mid-'80s as I recall). Problem is, I don't think Smith is all that cool anymore. He was back in the Men in Black days, but now he's sort of like a younger, less-funny Bill Cosby. If Tom really wanted to be seen as cool he'd latch onto Michael Cera or Seth Rogen or someone like that. But Tom probably hasn't even heard of those people. I honestly don't think Tom had heard of Katie either, until her audition tape came in. Then he was all like, "Who's this charming Holmes lass? Is she popular among the younger set? If I create the impression that I'm having sex with her, will people then consider me 'with it' as I believe the expression goes?"
Calculating little bastard.