Stavros Niarchos appeared to be one of Paris Hilton's most loyal friends, even showing up to visit her during her well-publicized stint in Lynwood. Lately, however, the hot piece of Greek man-meat has demonstrated a preference for one of his other previous fuck-buddies, Hilton's sometime-pal Lindsay Lohan.
Lohan, reports Page 6, has fixed upon Stavros as a rebound man after her break-up with pot-smoking snowboarder Riley Whatshisname, and we all know that, once Lindsay starts working her magic, no man is safe. Stavros, reportedly, has fallen so completely under Lohan's spell that he's totally spurned Paris. The proof: Hilton and Niarchos were both present at a party for Avira at Hollywood's Crimson nightclub the other evening, but when Paris tried rubbing up against Stavros, the annoyed Greek beat a hasty exit, leaving Paris wandering around asking if anyone knew where he was. I know Paris - he's on top of Lindsay Lohan, doing things to her that he used to do to you.
I personally have no idea why a hot guy like Stavros would waste his time with either of these pieces of used-up trash, but whatever...we all know there's no accounting for taste. But, if you're going to choose between Paris or Lindsay, there's no question that you should go with Lindsay. Lohan may be a coked-up walking medical experiment, but she is nowhere near as manipulative and evil and soulless as Hilton. Obviously, Stavros has come to realize what a truly vile person Paris is, and it is intensely gratifying to know that he's utterly shunned her. Hopefully, everyone else will turn their backs on Paris too, leaving her with no one to fuck but that disgusting beached greaseball whale Brandon Davis. If ever two people deserved each other...