Saturday, February 9, 2008

Amy Winehouse Now Living With Ozzy Osbourne

Amy Winehouse
, as part of her ongoing effort to recover from drug addiction, has moved into Ozzy Osbourne's guest house.

Let me repeat that...Amy Winehouse, as part of her ongoing effort to recover from drug addiction, has moved into Ozzy Osbourne's guest house.

Ideas that were slightly less stupid than Amy Winehouse moving in with Ozzy Osbourne:

  • Guy who designed the Hindenburg deciding it would be a great idea to paint it with flammable materials.
  • The Japanese thinking it would be a hoot to attack Pearl Harbor.
  • George Bush believing his intelligence people when they said there were WMDs in Iraq.
  • Steve Irwin deciding to fuck with that stingray.
  • Abe Lincoln choosing going to the theater over staying at home and banging the wife.
  • Lizzie Borden's folks leaving the axe lying around.
  • Britney's mom not locking the liquor cabinet.
  • Heath Ledger deciding it would be okay to have that one last sleeping pill.

Nah, I kid...I'm sure Amy will be fine in Ozzy's guest house. She and Kelly can stay up all night watching music videos and painting each other's nails. And Ozzy can peek through the windows at them and jerk himself.
