Okay...I realize that headline is a bit misleading. No, Tyra Banks did not shit herself when she hung with Mike Huckabee. It was Huckabee who shit himself. He was like, "God damn, I knew there were some dumb fuckers in this world, but this bitch ought to get a medal."
How dumb is Tyra Banks? Dumb enough to vote for Mike Huckabee.
But now onto the shitting part. Apparently, Tyra is prone to accidents of the ill-timed bowel-voiding type. An account from some reporter for Paper Magazine:
I arranged to do [the interview] backstage at the tents in the w suite. Just when I start getting comfortable and ready, a group of madmen and madwomen storm in and take possession of the suite because... ready?... Tyra Banks messed herself and needed to change. Now, let's break this down: messing oneself should not happen if you are older that 5 or younger than 90. if it happens and in fact you are older than 5 or younger that 90, then it should be one, single, very unfortunate episode which will bound you to be made fun of forever and you can't complain about it. Now I would like to bring to your attention that Tyra's people carried a change of clothes for her at NYC fashion week. Hmmmh... could it be that Tyra messed herself before? or just that her entourage is so organized that in case tyra would ever, maybe, possibly mess herself that one time, they have a change of clothes? I don't know...
Look, here's the deal - Tyra Banks is a TV personality. And everyone knows, TV personalities are the most important people on the face of the earth. They're so important that they can't really be expected to bother with little things like shitting in toilets. So I don't know what the big deal is. If Tyra wants to spread a hot steaming mess through her panties, she's Tyra. She's got assistants to take care of it, doesn't she? Okay then.