Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ellen Page Wants Us to Leave Batshitney Alone

Oscar nominee Ellen Page thinks everyone is being too mean to Britney and other wayward child stars.

“I feel bad, you know," said Ellen (who all the lesbos call "eye-candy). "They were hyper-sexualised at the age of 16, not guided or taken care of or nurtured properly. And now people treat it like it’s a joke. Let’s splatter their face on newspapers every day and show them being taken out of their house on a stretcher! It’s like, why don’t we ask why this is happening? It makes me very angry.”

Why don't you do something about it then Ellen dear? Go out and wave a sign around. "Leave Britney alone." Or visit Batshitney at the looney bin. Make friends with her. She likes making friends.

Aw, we know Ellen - you could've wound up like that too but your parents were responsible. Well pin a rose on your nose. Jeez, aren't we little Miss High and Mighty Oscar-nominee? And who the hell were you a couple months ago? Some plain-looking chick no one knew about.

Face it Ellen dear - you're a one-hit wonder. After Juno there will be nothing but lame second-banana parts in horror movies and sci-fi bullshit. Unless Diablo Cody pulls another gaggingly adorable tale of teenage pluck and spirit out of her well-publicized twat. Of course you'll be too old to play the teen then. You'll have to play the understanding mom.

Then you know what happens after that, don't you Ellen? Yup. Law & Order.

