19 Church of Scientology addresses around L.A. and Orange County received envelopes filled with "suspicious" white powder yesterday, but after initial tests the FBI said the powder was harmless.
The envelopes may have contained an innocuous substance, but that doesn't mean they didn't cause disruption and panic. Glendale police closed off a street for 2 hours because of one, and authorities in Tustin evacuated 60 people from a building and called in hazmat units.
Now now people...we all know Scientology is bent on destroying civilization, but that doesn't mean we have to cause a panic over it. There are much better ways to get at Scientology. Like mockery. And throwing rocks at them.
No, no throwing rocks. That would be wrong...
Something occurs to the Crabster...why should Scientology need to bring in the FBI? And why should they trust the results of the FBI's tests? I thought they didn't believe anything the government said.
Okay, let's get real. Nobody sent those envelopes to Scientology. Those envelopes were mailed to those churches by Scientology itself as part of their campaign to appear persecuted. That's why they called in the FBI - for the drama of it.
Fucking Scientologists and their fucking plans for world domination. I wish God would just come down and beat the shit out of them. Then I wish Buddha would come and kick them and fart on their heads and make them eat rabbit poo. Then I wish Odin and Apollo would take turns ass-raping them. And then Ra could take what was left of them and make a nice stew.