Friday, February 1, 2008

Is Dunst About to Become the New Britney?

Kirsten Dunst is said to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown after behaving erratically during the Sundance festival.

Reports say Dunst, who recently broke up with rocker loverboy Johnny Borrell, showed up late for a scheduled event then ducked out early, prompting friends to make apologies on her idiot behalf.

"Kirsten is not in a good place right now," said one of the friends.

Um, when was she ever in a good place?

Dunst was reportedly sent into a tailspin earlier this year after hearing rumors that her ex-boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal planned to get engaged to Reese Witherspoon.

Oh, Kiki will be fine - she just needs to drink more. And read more Carl Sagan. And perhaps bathe.
