Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Demi Moore Uses Leeches to Detoxify

Demi Moore told David Letterman last night that her health regimen includes periodic trips to Austria to undergo "leech detoxification therapy," a technique that literally uses leeches to mysteriously cleanse the blood. Demi talks about this nonsense at about 3:35 of the above video. A transcript of her attempted explanation:

I’m always…looking for the cutting edge on things that are for optimizing health and healing. Just a week ago I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the treatments was leech therapy. These aren’t just like swamp leeches, we’re talking about highly trained medical leeches…

[Thousands of year ago] bleeding was a very common thing… it detoxifies your blood and they have a little enzyme that when they’re biting down gets released into your blood, and generally you bleed for quite a bit, and your health is optimized. It detoxifies the blood. I’m feeling very detoxified right now.

Um, Demi dear...how do the leeches detoxify your blood if they're sucking it all out? Do the "therapists" then take the cleansed blood from the leeches and inject it back into you?

Yes, Demi, clearly the medieval quack surgeons were onto something when they bled people to remove the bad humors. All the folks who died from being over-bled by those butchers...that was just an unfortunate side-effect. You know, like the occasional blindness that can come from using Viagra.

Demi ain't the brightest bulb in the strand, folks.