Monday, March 24, 2008

Maggie Gyllenhaal Says Nice Things About Katie Holmes

Maggie Gyllenhaal
has done a 180 on Katie Holmes, and now has nothing but nice things to say about her predecessor in the Batman series.

"I think she's a wonderful actress and I really admired the work that she did in the first Batman, but I don't think it would have worked if I tried to imitate her," Fuggenwhore told "I think the only way to do it is to do it like myself."

I guess that means Rachel Dawes will now be an ugly, lactating, terrorist-sucking bitch.

Funny that Maggie now suddenly likes Katie's work in the first film. That's quite a switch from her previous comment:

I'm not thinking of it as a role that anyone's played before. I'm not walking into Katie Holmes' performance. I'm thinking of it as an opportunity to play somebody who's alive and smart. Chris asked me to do this because he wanted me, not because he wants some generic lady in a dress.

So Katie went from a dead, stupid, generic lady in a dress to a wonderful actress. Obviously, someone at the studio got hold of Maggie and told her not to run down anything associated with the movies. This dumb bitch has a hard time holding her tongue. Almost as hard a time as I have holding down my dinner when I see a picture of her circus-freak face.