Priscilla Presley just wanted to look young again. So, she signed up for a special treatment offered by an Argentine doctor, which was supposed to be more effective than Botox.
Unbenownst to Priscilla, the quack cosmetic surgeon's miracle face-smoother was nothing of the sort. It was, in fact, plain old everyday silicone auto lube.
The Argentine doctor...surprise surprise...turned out not to be a doctor at all, but just a gigolo who dreamed up a great scam to fleece rich, stupid Hollywood women. Larry King's wife Shawn and Lionel Richie's ex-wife Diane are reported to have joined Priscilla in shelling out $300-$500 a pop to have car lubricant injected into their faces.
The gigolo Daniel Serrano's fake treatment reportedly led to horrible complications in some of his "patients," including lumps, paralysis and holes opening in faces. Shawn King said the stuff created a lump in her lip that made it hard for her to speak (Larry then tried to buy a whole case of it).
Priscilla herself is reportedly undergoing "corrective surgery" on her face. That guy would have to be the fucking Michelangelo of plastic surgeons to fix that messed-up mush.