Pretty much everyone in America (with the possible exception of Perez Hilton) is over Paris Hilton. They think she's yesterday's news, and wish she would just disappear utterly from the face of the earth.
However, there are, I have been informed, other countries on this planet besides the U.S. And in some of these no-doubt putrid backwaters, Paris Hilton is still treated like a major star.
One such backward shithole is the nation of Turkey. Paris was invited there to judge the Miss Turkey contest, a competition in which moustache thickness and pungency of odor figure heavily. The dumb-ass heiress arrived in Istanbul yesterday, and for whatever reason, her presence touched off a riot amongst photographers.
Paris, unfortunately, survived the violence unscathed, and went on to perform her duties as a pageant judge. There's video of that too.
It's worth noting, I think, that in a recent poll of industrialized nations, Turkey was found to have the highest percentage of people who don't believe in evolution. And the nation with the second-highest percentage?
You guessed it. America.
So, I guess it's fitting that there should be a cultural exchange between the U.S. and Turkey...and that Paris Hilton should be the agent of this exchange.