Thursday, March 20, 2008

South Park Britney Episode

The South Park boys turned their attention on the on-going Britney Spears saga last night. In the episode, Kyle and Stan try to save Britney, who is being heinously exploited by everyone. At one point Britney blows the top of her head off with a shotgun but doesn't die. So she spends the rest of the show with nothing but the bottom part of her head remaining - this to emphasize what a helpless victim Britney is.

South Park is still a good show, but it has gotten awfully preachy in recent years as many people have pointed out. That wasn't really my problem with the Brit episode, my problem with it was that it icked me out, then depressed me.

Sorry, but Britney with her head blown off is not funny. And yes, I get that it wasn't really meant to be was meant to be more pathetic. But it was also gross and unsettling and made me feel vaguely ashamed. And I don't need that shit.