Monday, November 17, 2008

Dear Prince - Go Fornicate Yourself, You Washed-Up Midget

Prince thinks homosexuality is evil. He's a Jehova's Witness now (who knew?) and when someone asked him his opinion on gay marriage he fondled his Bible and said, "God came to earth and saw people sticking it wherever and doing it with whatever, and he just cleared it all out. He was, like, 'Enough.'" Yeah? Well, I have it on good authority that this is not what happened. I know from my sources that God came down and saw all that sticking and what not and immediately joined in, but suddenly got all uncool when his boyfriend showed up all pissed. God's boyfriend has always been a drag that way. But those mushroom eating goat-fuckers who wrote the Bible twisted the whole thing around so now Prince and other mindless drones have a book to hold up as proof of their righteousness. Well, whatever Prince. I still love your stuff. Nothing can make me stop listening to "Purple Rain" and "Little Red Corvette." Even you being a complete intolerant asshole.