Friday, November 14, 2008

There's No Love Like Brad's Love

Angie opened her big yap for Australia's Herald Sun and this nugget came flopping out, concerning Brad's love for the new twins:

He’s just so happy and having twins is something neither of us ever expected and I think that makes it all the more special for us both. When I see how much love is in Brad’s eyes for the twins and for all our children — it’s a very moving experience for me. I never wanted to become pregnant and have children that way unless I had come to know Brad and see how loving he was with Maddox and Pax. So that was a big step for me.

It's a stab at Jon Voight. "I never wanted to become pregnant and have children that way unless I had come to know Brad and see how loving he was with Maddox and Pax." Yes, Angie has witnessed the horrors of an unloving father. Now she doesn't have to worry about her kids being deprived of affection and proper cars for showing off to the other kids in high school. Angie's terrible childhood conditioned her to understand the suffering of all those poor people out there in all those icky countries with "stan" at the ends of their names. That fucker Voight probably wouldn't even give her a credit card of her own! So of course she knows what it's like for people who eat a handful of maggoty rice once a month, drink water from rivers full of rotting corpses and have to sell their newborn daughters to Gary Glitter just to go on living. She cares! Have you gotten the message yet?