First off, there's the little matter of that rope that allegedly bound Carradine's wrists, the one that supposedly proves he didn't kill himself by autoerotic asphyxia. That rope, as far as the Thai authorities are concerned, was never there, or if it was, they're not including it in their reports. And then there's this little bit of news:
David Carradine was an incestuous perv whose wife divorced him over his acts of "sexual deviancy."
Actually, the divorce filing cites "deviant sexual behavior which was potentially deadly." And, even more disturbingly, Carradine's now ex-wife Marina Anderson, in the same filing from 2003, refers to "an incestuous relationship with a very close family member" that David allegedly admitted to carrying on. Anderson says she tried to get David to seek counseling over his sex issues but he refused.
But he wasn't trying to strangle himself while jerking off in that closet. Actually, sounds to me like we're lucky that was all he was doing. Sick, sad freak.