I had never heard of S.E. Cupp before stumbling upon this David Letterman/Barack Obama takedown clip from Sean Hannity's abortion of a show. Now, having seen Ms. Cupp in action, I wish I could erase all knowledge of her from my mind. No, Ms. Cupp has not yet dyed her hair blonde or taken to flashing her tranny legs, but make no mistake...she dreams of being Ann Coulter. And if she continues making outrageous allegations in a smarmy, vaguely Valley Girlish voice while flipping her hair around like a bad Cher impersonator, she will succeed.
Friday, June 12, 2009
S.E. Cupp Wants To Be The New Ann Coulter
I had never heard of S.E. Cupp before stumbling upon this David Letterman/Barack Obama takedown clip from Sean Hannity's abortion of a show. Now, having seen Ms. Cupp in action, I wish I could erase all knowledge of her from my mind. No, Ms. Cupp has not yet dyed her hair blonde or taken to flashing her tranny legs, but make no mistake...she dreams of being Ann Coulter. And if she continues making outrageous allegations in a smarmy, vaguely Valley Girlish voice while flipping her hair around like a bad Cher impersonator, she will succeed.