Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crabbie's Daily Language Lesson

Barack Obama gave his speech to the school children today, in which he encouraged America's future crackheads to work hard and not give up on their dreams, and a bunch of other stuff they could've just as easily gotten from watching the movie Rudy.

There was, for some reason, a huge flap over this speech. One group of nutters got all angry because they thought Barry was indoctrinating their innocent children into the evil ways of Socialism, or whatever -ism they're irrationally frightened of this week.

Crabbie will now fulfil his own public service requirement for the week by giving a little lesson in the difference between "indoctrination" and "education."

Indoctrination: When you want to fill my kid's head with something I don't agree with.

Education: When you want to fill my kid's head with something I do agree with.

That is all.