They won't listen because, quite simply, they are Americans, and Americans don't like being told that they have bad habits.
Americans are, by and large, rude and thoughtless people. I experience this truth every day in my building which is full of assholes who don't know how to close doors without slamming them. You could lecture these brainless fiends endlessly about it, describing in minute detail how annoying it is to be jarred from sleep or restful reverie by sudden sharp banging noises, but they would just smile and nod, and go right on doing it.
Because they are fucking jerks.
And, because Americans are fucking jerks who don't care about anyone but themselves, they are not going to stop sneezing, coughing and blowing snot in other people's faces. Kathleen Sebelius can hold a daily demonstration of how to contain your disease-carrying mucous by sticking your nose in your elbow, but it won't matter.
These morons will decry this unacceptable government intrusion upon their God-given right to spread their germs in any way and in whatever quantities they choose. They will wave signs. They will brandish assault rifles. They will gather together to cook animals, drink alcohol and watch Glenn Beck.
This mindless self-centeredness is also why people who already have health insurance won't stop protesting against the public option. They don't give a fuck that others are suffering. All they care about is their "rights," which they think are being threatened by the great Socialist scourge. As long as they can get their colonoscopy without having to pay, who gives a shit if a bunch of poor people can't get dental work or glasses or their festering sores tended before gangrene sets in and they need their limbs hacked off?
It's pure selfishness. Or, as some call it, the way of the Real America.