Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Britney Is A Sarcastic Little Shit

Britney Spears has sent a handwritten letter of apology to X17 over the famed incident earlier this year in which she went completely bananas and attacked one of their photographers with an umbrella. Seems like a nice gesture on Britney's behalf - or it does until you actually read the letter. Here is the text of said missive:

Dear X17,

I want to apologize for the past incedent [sic] with the umbrella. I was preparing a character for a possible movie role where the husband doesn't play his part so they swap places. Unfortunatly [sic] I didn't get the part. I'm sorry I got alil [sic] carried away with my role!


What prompted Britney to send this letter anyway - a sudden bout of remorse over her crazy outburst or the desire to take a sarcastic dig at Kevin Federline through the press? I don't know. All I'm sure of is that Brit needs to leave such matters up to her publicists in the future. Let them speak for her, instead of trying to be cute. She only makes herself seem even more stupid and lame.
