Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tom Cruise Is A Luddite

Tom Cruise claims to be a simple man who's not into gadgets and other modern-day conveniences. Says Tom:

I wear jeans, socks and a shirt - all totally normal.

I get my hair cut on set. I have no iPhone, no mobile, no email address, no watch, no jewellery, no wallet.

I simply want to be with my children and make movies. My values for my children never change - love, responsibility, curiosity at the wonder of life.

Every day is a gift. You must learn to take your life in your hands, then you can reach any goal. You make your dreams come true only if you believe in yourself.

My God, Tom's life philosophy sounds like the words to a theme song from a Disney movie. "The Circle of Bullshit." I can see it now - the tale of a plucky elf who with the help of Xenu and some lifts becomes a rich, famous dweeb with a robot wife and a daughter who talks to animals.

The humorous thing to me is when these celebs go out of their way to insist they're "normal." No one ever explains to them that if you have to constantly tell everyone how normal you are, you aren't.

And as to Tom not having an iPhone or an email address...of course he doesn't have them; alien technology has advanced far beyond such quaint things. When Tom wants to get hold of someone, he touches the little button on the inside of his wrist and sends a mind-signal using a sub-space frequency. And why would he need a wallet? The Interplanetary Bank stopped issuing hard currency thousands of years ago.
