Thursday, December 13, 2007

Now We Know Where He Gets It From

Schlock-rocker Marilyn Manson, the only man I know of who would be tasteless and sick enough to make a chandelier out of the bones of a dead Chinese girl, now has designs on auctioning off his own mummified foreskin.

And why, you might ask, would Marilyn even have his own mummified foreskin around to offer for bidding? Because his mother kept it, of course.

Marilyn said:

It's in...a contact lens case, kind of like a shriveled up Lifesaver . If [mom] ever came here, she would wave it around. We're hoping Sotheby's one day.

That's his vaunted creep wit, I guess. Honestly, could this man be anymore repulsive? Short of washing his face, putting on a suit and becoming a Republican I mean?
