Monday, February 4, 2008
Amy Winehouse Finds A Cause She Can Believe In
Famous booze-monkey Amy Winehouse has come to the aid of a London pub that is danger of being ruined.
The watering hole, The George Tavern, has been a favorite for years. Now the pub is in danger of losing much of its ambiance, as developers plan on raising an apartment complex nearby, which patrons say will change the unique 360-degree interior lighting that has been a feature of the establishment since it was opened in 1654.
Amy was reportedly working with the tavern's owners before she entered rehab. "Amy's a friend," said landlady Pauline Forster, "so I went to her flat to see her and she was there with her hairdresser Alex [Foden]. We started talking about the way forward and she said, 'We've got to do a Save The George t-shirt.'"
Genius! And now people like Kate Moss are going around sporting the $50 tees. Isn't it lovely when caring (drunk) folk come together to make a difference?
Aren't you amazed Amy was able to focus long enough to come up with her idea?
Amy Winehouse,
Kate Moss