Just when you thought Amy Winehouse couldn't get any ickier, she contracts a disgusting skin condition that makes her face swell up.
Unlucky Amy's condition is called impetigo. A definition:
A superficial bacterial skin infection most common among children age 2–6 years. People who play close contact sports such as rugby, American football and wrestling are also susceptible, regardless of age. The name derives from the Latin impetere ("assail"). It is also known as school sores.
How the hell did Amy get that? I don't think she was playing rugby. She must've been having a lot of close contact with small children. Jayden James and Sean Preston!
Impetigo is, by the way, highly contagious. This has not stopped Amy from traipsing around in public. Her reps say she isn't concerned about looking like the Elephant Man's sister. Why should she be? She's already a wreck. It's not like a little facial swelling is going to suddenly cause her shame.