Heather Mills's plan to soak Paul McCartney for as much as she could get came to final fruition today when a judge ruled Mills should receive 46 million pounds, or almost $100 million.
Heather will get an immediate 25 million pounds and the rest in 1.5 million pound payments for maintenance of her and Paul's daughter Beatrice. Heather had been seeking 2.5 million pounds for Beatrice but will somehow have to make it on the 1.5.
So Heather got her money...now will she please just go the fuck away? Forever.
Somehow I doubt it.
No (RANT ALERT), Heather is clearly not motivated by money alone. She wants fame. Ms. Mills is the very definition of an attention-whore. She craves adoration, but like so many soulless fame-junkies, inspires mostly loathing in those whose sympathy she attempts to garner.
I'm afraid we have not seen or heard the last of Mills. She will probably try to get away from it all now, take her money and go live the lavish lifestyle she thinks she's entitled to, but eventually she'll get the itch again. And I don't mean in her stump. I mean the itch to make people pay attention to her and tell her how wonderful she is. She'll be back somewhere fighting for some dopey cause, trying to be the new, monopede Princess Diana.
If we're lucky, one of Heather's phony philanthropic enterprises will backfire on her. The baby seals will gang up on her and eat her to death. Or some minefield she's visiting will spontaneously blow up, scattering her disgusting body to the four winds.
We can only hope.