Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Freak In Jeans

Memo to Melanie Griffith: This sort of look does not make people think, "Wow, look at that hot, young chick over there." It makes people think, "How psychotic do you have to get before you think having a monkey's face is sexy?" It makes them think, "No old lady, seeing your ass-crack does not make me want to fuck you. It makes me wish I had been born a member of a freakish inbred cave-race who lost their skin pigmentation and, more importantly, their eyes." It makes them think, "Antonio Banderas looks at that every morning without vomiting up his Cap'n Crunch?" It makes them think, "Oh dear, look at that poor unfortunate wretch who obviously lost her face in a horrible blowtorch accident. There but for the grace of that Melanie Griffith?"