Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Heather Mills Films Herself Kicking Photographer

The stress of trying to rob Paul McCartney must be really getting to Heather Mills. Cause bitch is acting crazier than Renee Zellweger at the end of a four-day insomnia jag. Just check out this pic of the former porn model and soon-to-be Dancing With the Stars contestant Mills attempting to kick an annoying photographer in the butt:

According to witnesses, this sneaker-in-the-ass was accompanied by a fair amount of shrieking. But what makes it truly bizarre is the fact that Mills appears to be filming the kick while she's in the process of delivering it. Mills, it's commonly known, has been videotaping every aspect of her life recently, to what end none can say. Maybe she's planning on producing some kind of epic autobiographical film - The Life and Times of Stumpy the Gold-Digger. Or maybe she's just one of these supremely narcissistic assholes who don't feel alive unless everything they do is filmed. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear Heather lost her balance and injured herself in the incident. And it appears her prosthetic left leg stayed on the whole time (notice she uses her real leg to deliver the kick). Alas, even when Heather does something crazy and amusing, she fails to be anything more than half-interesting.

(BTW: How much you wanna bet that, when Mills appears on Dancing With the Stars, she fakes a fall to get sympathy?)