Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lohan Blows Off Altman Memorial

Remember when Lindsay Lohan sent that crazed letter of condolence to the family of dead director Robert Altman? Seemed then that Lindsay thought the world of Altman - she even went so far as to call him a father figure. But, that was several months ago, an eternity to the capricious Lindsay. By now she's probably forgotten that Altman even existed - she certainly didn't bother remembering the memorial service held for him Tuesday, because she wasn't there. No, she had better things to do than turn out for the man who gave her probably the best role she's had in her young career - like partying with Steve-O.

Another dirtbag move by Lindsay Lohan. But, look at the bright side - if she had shown up for the memorial, she probably would've just made some kind of scene, started weeping or something, just to get all the attention focused on her. Actually, I think the people who were there - Lily Tomlin, Julianne Moore, Kevin Kline and Tim Robbins among others - were probably relieved when Lindsay didn't show up. At this point I think people are just scared of her. They're worried she's going to glom onto them in stalker-fashion like she did to Al Gore. I mean, if you're Tim Robbins, the last thing in the world you need is some crazy little skank misinterpreting a friendly gesture of yours as some kind of overture. Then again, if you're Tim Robbins, maybe that's exactly what you want to happen. I mean, Susan Sarandon - how old is that Commie now? Ninety? Can't be pleasant having to see that every night. Course, Lindsay's not in much better shape herself these days. As a matter of fact, Sarandon might look young and tight by comparison. No, I take it back - Robbins should stick with that Socialist agitator Sarandon. And Lindsay should stick with Steve-O - that guy's perfect for her. No grasp of the social graces and an apparently unrestrained libido. And Steve-O's not exactly Mr. Inhibition himself.