Saturday, February 24, 2007

Maggie Fugs Up The Spirit Awards

Okay, they used to be called the Independent Spirit Awards, but now they're just called the Spirit Awards? Well shit, I never got that memo. Why the hell don't I ever get the memos? I want a god damn memo. Just one.

Anyway, here's Maggie Gyllenhaal, or as I call her, the Gyllenhaal who isn't Jake so why the hell do I bother writing about her? She was probably nominated for a Spirit award for playing a single mom in a gritty movie about the hardships of life or something. That's what all those snooty Hollywood bitches do when they don't want to be thought of as snooty Hollywood bitches. Of course, if Maggie ever encountered that kind of person in real life she'd probably call her assistant in to shoo them away. "Get that proletarian scum away from me, Jeeves. I don't want their rank odor getting into my clothing." Ugly slag.