Cisco Adler has freaky balls. And, according to Cisco, he also has mad game. Brags Cisco of his ability to bed famous babes:
I have some sort of gift with women . . . I tend to find myself dating famous women sometimes. I just write dope songs and fuck hot bitches.
A list of the famous women Cisco has nailed includes Mischa Barton, Paris Hilton, Kimberly Stewart and Lindsay Lohan. I will leave it to the reader to decide whether any of those quality as "hot," and reserve myself to the observation that, when one endeavors to nail famous women, it helps immeasurably if said women have no taste, and happen to be incredibly high on drugs at the time one is undertaking the seduction. So maybe Cisco shouldn't be quite so impressed with his abilities. His balls, however, are a spectacle to behold. How they managed to get left off the new list of the Seven Wonders of the World is beyond me.