The feud between Britney Spears and her mother Lynne became all-too-public last week when Britney was photographed handing Lynne a note pertaining to a potential restraining order. But Lynne is not letting this rift between her and her
Oh wait, that's Crabbie's garden. Well it's probably Lynne's too. Who doesn't like Chippendale dancers? We all do.
But getting back to Lynne and certainly doesn't seem that things will be getting better between them any time soon. At least not until the whole restraining order thing gets cleared up. And, you know, the accusations of drug use being thrown back and forth. And the fact that Lynne has allied herself with Britney's ex-husband Kevin Federline.
Yeah, let's face it - Britney hates Lynne's guts and probably always will. But Lynne ain't sweating that. Said Lynne to People magazine after they cornered her in Kentwood:
Everything is going to be fine. I've got a strong family, and everything is going to be fine.
You've got a crazy family Lynne, and everything is not going to be fine.
By the way, were you aware that, while you were off shopping and being handed notes about restraining orders, your other daughter Jamie Lynn, who is sixteen, was picking out an apartment with her boyfriend? And were you further aware of the fact that, given the direction Britney's career is headed (down faster than one of Jeremy Piven's dates after the Rohypnol kicks in), Jamie Lynn will soon be your sole source of income? Don't you think you should start looking after her a little bit? You know - so you won't have to actually start working for a living?
Oh yeah, that'll wake Lynne up. The prospect of having to get a job. She'll agree to just about anything Britney says then. If Britney wants her to put on a tutu and dance back and forth across the freeway she'll do it - all Brit has to do is threaten to cut off the bitch's Mastercard.