Sarah Silverman's digs at Paris Hilton during the MTV Movie Awards, while Hilton was present in the audience, were completely hilarious - but now Silverman says she regrets ever taking them. Said Silverman:
I thought, "She's got to know there's going to be a joke about her," so I went for it. But then I looked down and saw a man in her face with a camera. ... I was there to be funny and I was, but that doesn't mean I can't feel bad about it.
I guess it's nice, Sarah, that you felt bad about making Paris feel bad - it shows that you're a human being with feelings and all that. But come on...this is Paris Hilton we're talking about. If anyone ever deserved to be publicly humiliated, it was Paris. The only thing I regret is that we don't still throw people in the stocks in the town square and let everyone chuck rotten food at them. If this were the case, Paris would be covered in egg gook and tomato ick pretty much every day of her useless, revolting life.
For the record, Paris allegedly has forgiven Silverman, saying:
[Sarah's] a funny comedienne and hopefully she won't be as mean the next time she sees me.
Sure. Paris said that. And I got double-teamed by Matthew McConaughey and Jake Gyllenhaal behind a Hardee's last week.