Lindsay Lohan's excessive partying may have finally ruined her movie career. The red-headed menace, who recently got out of rehab and has been wearing an alleged alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet, was scheduled to appear in a new film called Poor Things alongside the legendary Shirley MacLaine, but according to an email sent out by the set designer, the movie's insurers got scared away after Lohan was photographed having fun - though apparently not boozing - in Vegas over the weekend. The email reads in part:
Poor Things has been cancelled. ... Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news, but I just received a call from Jacky Gilardi, the producer, pulling the plug on the ill-fated film. ... Apparently, Ms. Lohan's antics in Las Vegas over the weekend have scared the bond companies and all of the funding has been pulled . . . I look forward to working together in the future and trust our next project will not be as fraught with difficulty.
A friend of Lohan's denies that Lindsay's carrying on was really behind the film being nixed however:
She had nothing to do with that movie shutting down. It was a mess to begin with. They randomly fired Channing Tatum for Giovanni Ribisi, and then financing fell through because producers spent money like water. It was only supposed to cost $4 million - Lindsay was being paid nothing for that role. ... Lindsay is proving to everyone that she is - and will remain - sober by voluntarily wearing the ankle bracelet and taking drug tests. This is not about her work. It's about her being able to live her life and go out with her friends without people writing nasty items about her.
Why would the set designer claim Lindsay ruined the movie if it wasn't true? Does the man have it in for her? Or was the email itself a hoax perpetrated by some evil-doer who put the set designer's name on it to make it seem authentic? Either way, the fact is that Lindsay has developed a reputation. She made life unpleasant on the set of Georgia Rule, finally being chastised by the studio chief for her frequent absences. Then her next film, I Know Who Killed Me, had to be shut down while she checked herself into rehab the first time. And then she was dropped from The Best Time of Our Lives for mysterious reasons that many suspect were related to her refusal to submit to drug testing. Given all that, would it really surprise anyone to learn that no one is willing to insure her? Lindsay needs to realize that, in order to win her way back into the good graces of the people who do the hiring - and insuring - in the movie biz, she needs to do more than just promise to be good and wear something that looks like an alcohol-monitoring bracelet. She needs to really toe the line. Yes, she may think it's unfair that she can't "hang out with her friends" - but part of growing up and becoming an adult is doing shit you don't want to do because it's what's good for you. If Lohan were really serious about her career, and really had matured and learned her lesson from rehab, she would stay away from nightclubs altogether - at least until people became convinced that she really was over her problems. Sadly, it doesn't seem that Lindsay is serious about getting her act together - she thinks she can bullshit her way through this like she's bullshitted her way through everything else in her life. Movie producers and insurance people, unfortunately for Lindsay, are really good at seeing through bullshit.