Angelina Jolie resents Jennifer Aniston. That came out rather glaringly when Angelina was asked a question about the competing magazine covers W magazine recently put out - one featuring Jen, one featuring Angie. Angelina fired at the reporter:
Why would I comment on that? That matters because...?
Because...Jennifer's cover out-sold yours? Because...people seem to like her a lot more than they like you? Because...people think Brad Pitt would be better off with Jennifer than with you? Because...you're a soul-sucking narcissist whose complexes are so tangled and twisted that if Freud himself came back to life to treat you he would quickly give up analysis entirely and take up botany?
Angie dear...you can try to hide your resentment of Jennifer all you want, but we know the truth. You hate her. If you ever got your revolting, veiny hands on her, you would strangle the life right out of her. Then you would chop up her body and cook it in some chili and feed it to Brad, smiling knowingly all the while.
And Jennifer...don't fool yourself; you're not any better. You'd kill Angie just as fast as she'd kill you. Maybe faster. Because, let's face it, your reasons for resenting her are much worse than hers for resenting you. She has Brad after all. And that's what this is really all about - her jealousy toward you every time Brad shows any lingering affection for you, and your crippling jealousy over the thought of her and Brad making hot sex while you sit home watching Doris Day movies and sucking down gallons of Blue Bunny.
Oh wait - that's me watching the Doris Day movies and sucking down gallons of Blue Bunny. And funny but the Doris Day movies always have Rock Hudson in them.
Oh farts...both you bitches suck.