"It's cruel the way people have put her under a microscope," the friend says. "She's trying to take a break. It's a great thing.
"She's an incredible woman – so giving of her time, her money, her soul. That's the story that should be told. Everyone has problems, but not everyone is forced to deal with them in a fishbowl."
Earth to friend of Kirsten Dunst: No one has put Kiki under a microscope. No one cares enough about her to do that.
And when did Kiki suddenly become the blonde Angelina, so giving of her time and her money and her soul? I'm wracking my brain trying to remember the last time I saw anything about her doing anything charitable. Hmm... Uh... Er...
Can't come up with anything. She must do it all in secret. Sure. Stars never want their philanthropy publicized.
Face it - Kiki is a drunk mess. And that's her doing.