Monday, November 10, 2008
Yes. It Was A Seizure. Cough.
Vacationing Britney had to rush Jayden James to the hospital in Kentwood, Louisiana after he started flopping around and foaming at the mouth more than usual. The Kentwood doctors gave JJ a good looking over and concluded that an evil spirit had gone up his nostril and taken possession of his brain. JJ was then transferred to a non-hillbilly hospital where they determined that he'd suffered a seizure. Shitney didn't believe them and took Jayden back to Redneck General to begin the voodoo treatments. She stripped naked, sacrificed a couple of chickens, slathered herself in their blood and began dancing around a giant chalk pentagram. That was just to calm herself down. No, I'm sure the kid will be fine - what could possibly be wrong with him, with a couple of fine genetic specimens like Britney and Federline for parents?
Britney Spears,
Jayden James