Thursday, February 15, 2007

At Least Sienna Miller Isn't A Hypocrite

Whorish booze-monkey Sienna Miller may be a lot of things, but a hypocrite isn't one of them. She proved this by telling OK! Magazine that fellow celebrity party-nuts Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears are just fun-loving young women who should be left alone to ruin their livers in peace.

"I think everyone's entitled to their own decisions," says the oft-inebriated Miller. "Girls are doing the same thing all over the world as what these girls are doing, but they're not being photographed while they're doing it. ... I think it's healthy for young girls to go out and have fun in their teenage years and early twenties. I'm not going to judge anyone."

Sienna Miller isn't going to judge anyone (except the residents of Pittsburgh). She isn't going to tell Brit and Linds that they shouldn't go out and enjoy themselves and be young. Cause that's what she does. A lot. That's what all young women do, all around the world. Of course, not all young women have unlimited resources with which to buy inebriants, and not all of them are surrounded by sycophants who tell them what they're doing is okay even when it's not - but hell, they're young. They'll figure it out, right? Anna Nicole sure did.