The hair-salon people who were trying to sell Britney's shorn locks, Red Bull can and lighter on eBay got dissed by the Internet auction giants (for unspecified reasons according to them). So now they've set up their own website, Here's their sales pitch:
This is it, the opportunity of a lifetime. You can be the proud owner of Britney Spears' hair, extensions, the Omega clipper used to cut it all off and even the can of Red Bull she was drinking at the time. You also get her blue Bic Lighter and this valuable domain and website to use for publicity purposes. This is the Ultimate Britney Spears Experience! It is a piece of history that can not be duplicated!
Um, actually, it can be duplicated. Cause Britney can easily grow more hair, then go crazy again and shave it all off. Hell, she could do that ten more times and it wouldn't really surprise anyone.
By the way - the person who actually shells out the $1,000,000 the salon-folks are asking? That person is an idiot. Because that hair ain't worth a million bucks. It ain't even worth fifty-grand. I personally wouldn't give you more than a tenner for it. That's how over Britney is.
Oh, and one more thing - here's a picture of stupid-ass Giuliana DePandi interviewing one of the hair-salon bitches. I'll tell you something I'd pay a million for - Giuliana DePandi's scalp.