All right, so what do we make of this? Britney's gone off the deep end? That would seem a fair assumption. I mean, if all she did was shave her head and get a couple of tattoos, we might just chalk it up to her being drunk and nutty. But the whole checking into and out of rehab thing - that's what's worrisome. That's outside the "she's just going through a hard time" realm. This girl is in serious trouble. Consider the fact that, according to X17, she cried for ten minutes before going into the salon and shaving her hair off. And according to US, Britney evinced other signs of being nearly deranged during the evening: An employee at the tattoo parlor says Britney went nuts after being asked why she'd shaved her head, ranting, "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everyone touching me." The tattoo employee goes on to say of Britney, "She wasn't making sense at all and you could tell she's not in a good place at all, and that she is totally freaking out." This employee also reports asking Britney at one point about a stain on her handbag, which Britney said was spilled NyQuil.
And then there's this, also from US: Supposedly, after all her hard partying over the weekend, which included the now notorious bikini incident, Britney went to South Florida to be with her boys, Jayden James and Sean Preston. She checked into a Miami hotel with the kids on Monday, intending to stay a week, but after drinking a glass of the Dom Perignon she'd had sent to her room on Valentine's Day evening, she suddenly cut the trip short. After that came the truncated rehab session and now, the hair.
Hmm, it's Valentine's Day night, she's sipping champagne, and suddenly she just up and leaves. Then a couple days later she checks into rehab and checks out again. In the midst of all that, there was the Justin Timberlake crack at the Brit Awards that most sane people have interpreted as a direct message to Britney to clean herself up. Then she goes completely apeshit and shaves all her hair off. Are we to assume Justin had some part in all this? Was Britney just feeling lonely in general on Valentine's Day, when she had the champagne, or was there someone specific she was pining for? And did she check into rehab because of something this someone said, either at the Brit Awards or anywhere else? All right, I'll come out and say it - is all Britney's crazy behavior happening because Justin Timberlake won't get back together with her. Has Britney's frustrated love for Justin driven her just about bonkers?
And what about that NyQuil statement. Mixing alcohol and NyQuil is supposed to be a no-no. My God, you don't think Britney is addicted to NyQuil-and-booze cocktails, do you? According to the NyQuil warning label, "alcohol, sedatives and tranquilizers may increase drowsiness." Could this explain the New Years Day collapse? Everybody's always assumed Britney was taking some kind of drug, but NyQuil? That sounds like something a sixteen-year-old would do. Sneak NyQuil from their parents' medicine cabinet. This story is getting kind of weird.
I'm sure there'll be more later...