Friday, February 16, 2007

Lindsay Shakes The Rust Off

X17 has the "exclusive" pictures of Lindsay Lohan getting back into the swing of the club-life after a month in rehab (I'd post one of the pics here but I hate water-marks, plus I'm afraid of X17). The pictures, snapped outside Teddy's, show Lindsay holding a bag up to hide her face from the cameras - of course no one was fooled (as the X17 folks themselves point out, Lindsay is always recognizable by her water-bottle and AA chips). So, what's the significance of this? I mean, just cause Lindsay was out, that doesn't mean she drank. In fact, the pictures clearly show Lindsay getting behind the wheel while her friends climb into the other seats, indicating that Lindsay was the only sober one in the group. Well, call me cynical, but I just don't believe that Lindsay is serious about beating booze. I don't think she took rehab seriously, and even if she isn't drinking now, I'm positive that in the near-future she will be. There's no way she'll be able to fight the allure of the club-hopping life she loves so well - in fact, she's already back at it. And, sooner or later, those temptations will take hold again. In short order, Lindsay will be back to her old ways. Partying till all hours of the morning. Drinking. Snorting blow. Making mysterious hospital trips. It doesn't matter how many phony rehab sessions she participates in, how many AA chips she wears, how many bottles of Voss she carries around - we all know the truth about these things, that they're part of a charade Lindsay performs so people will think she's not on the sauce. It's so sad and transparent. "Hey, look here. See? AA chips. Bottle of water. I'm sober." Sure Lindsay. And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon (actually, if my grandmother had anything that would be a miracle, cause she's dead - both of them are in fact).