On Heroes, adorable little Jap Masi Oka plays Hiro, a man on a quest. And in real life, too, Oka is searching for something - not a mythic Samurai sword with magical properties but a person to spend his life with. Emphasis on word "person." As in, no gender specified. Man or woman - he doesn't say. Here's the kind of stuff he does say though:
I've been going on dates a lot, [looking for] my soul mate here and there ... I make it a point to get out and just meet people. Hopefully I'll find someone I can share the rest of my life with. ... I'm not a big club person. I don't go clubbing per se, especially to pick up people. ... Most of the people I meet through these kinds of functions, or friends of friends I get set up with. ... I'm kind of playing the field. There are some wonderful people I've met, that I hang out with. I'm just taking my time and hanging out, getting to meet a lot of great people.
Am I reading too much into the fact that he specifically avoids referring to "people" as "women?" Is he toying with us, the scamp?
(This is how rumors get started. In fact, Oka has referred to girls he's gone out with in other interviews. Of course he could've just been saying that to avoid having to deal with gay questions. It can be tough sometimes. Easier to just pretend you're straight. Unless he just hasn't found himself yet. It is interesting the way he consistently avoids mentioning females, referring only to "people" he's met.)
(By the way, writers of Heroes - would you please stop twiddling your thumbs? Have something happen or stop wasting my fricking time. There are plenty of other shows for me to watch if I want to let my latent geek tendencies come out. Dr. Who for example, or Battlestar Galactica. I'm giving you another two weeks, but that's it (P.S. Hiro and Ando are totally gay for each other right? I mean, even if Ando keeps trying to pick up women like that ugly-ass showgirl who tricked them into stealing the bag from the guy's apartment - that's just because he's in denial, right? Pretty soon the two of them are going to be sucking face. Right?))