If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. A phrase we all should live by. But there are those who haven't yet taken this advice to heart. Like Jared Leto. He thinks the heat of criticism should be turned down for him - and if he doesn't get his way he's going to take it out on someone. With a baseball bat.
"It sucks," says Leto, the former teen heartthrob who currently belongs to a shitty rock band called 30 Seconds to Mars. "Sometimes you want to take a baseball bat to someone's face. Or maybe their kneecaps - that would probably be more fun. There are some people who might look better if you smacked them in the head with a baseball bat. ... The music is close to us and we can take it personally when we hear something we don't like."
All right Jared, I'm with you this far - it does hurt when someone criticizes you. It happens to Crabbie all the time. People tell me my blog isn't funny, they call me bad names, they accuse me of ripping off other homosexual bloggers. And yes, it sucks. Yes, I wouldn't mind taking a blunt object to the skulls of these individuals. Because I take my blogging very seriously; I try my best to always post funny and hopefully insightful things. So when people just trash it - well, it burns me up. However, unlike you Jared, I don't actually get into physical altercations with people. Like the time you choked Elijah Wood. All because he said he thought your band sucked? Grow up, Jared. I mean, if your band is really as hot as you think it is, what fricking difference does it make what one goofy little actor thinks? Seems to me that, if a person gets so hacked off over criticism that they resort to physical violence, this would tend to indicate that deep down they know the criticism is valid. They know they suck. And that's really your problem, isn't it Jared? Not that they rip your stuff, but that you know you deserve it.
Now, I haven't actually heard your band, Jared, but given the fact that it's your band, and you're a dipshit, I'm going to conclude that it must be the worst band in the history of the world. Worse than Motley Crue. Worse than the rock band Vanilla Ice started after he gave up rapping. And as for you, Jared - let's face it, you are a pitiful specimen of a human being. You choked Elijah Wood for God's sake. And now you make threats against rock critics? Yeah, I know, I said I wouldn't mind hitting some people in the head too - the difference is that I have no history of violent temper-tantrums, so there's no reason for people to believe I would ever actually do it. You, on the other hand, do have a history. Which means we have no choice but to take you at your word when you say you want to brain someone with a wooden stick. I for one can see it happening. Jared Leto Bashes Music Critic To Death. Boy, you'll be really gratified then, won't you Jared? Yeah, you'll have gotten all your little frustrations out. Of course, you'll also be headed to prison for life, but hey, think of all the great gay sex you'll get to have. And we know how much you love gay sex, Jared. Hot, steamy gay sex. It's what you live for, isn't it?
Oh, and by the way Jared - after you get done clobbering that poor critic? Your band will still suck. But, brutes figure, if they can't win an argument, the next best thing is to injure the person. And that's all you are Jared - a brute. A mindless, gay-sex-loving cro-magnon piece of shit.