Tuesday, February 6, 2007

McConaughey Catches A Wave

Haven't posted any Matthew material lately, so here's a picture of him surfing. Gosh, he's so manly with his colorful shorts and wet hair, and his freakishly stubby arm out there for balance. Although, in this picture, he does look disturbingly like Kurt Russell, doesn't he? Tell me you're not morphing into a middle-aged has-been already, Matthew. Oh God - soon you'll be popping Levitra and driving around in a Porsche, and you'll have Propecia-hair like Nic Cage, and you'll start dating 20-year-olds with big fake boobs and...actually, you already do a few of those things, don't you? Except they're 18-year-olds, and what you do with them can't technically be called "dating." Unless your idea of a date is plugging some nameless drunk teenager in a parking garage while humming Smoke On The Water.