Monday, February 5, 2007
"Gay Leaders" Want Apology From Paris
The leaders of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation are angry over Paris Hilton's use of the word "faggot" in a widely-circulated video, and want an apology from the mentally retarded socialite.
The offending piece of footage, shot at a party, shows Paris and her equally repulsive sister Nicky dancing, badly, and at various points uttering charming phrases that could be construed as homophobic and racist in nature, but could just as easily be taken as the mere ignorant verbal vomitings of a pair of drunken harlots. Predictably, the GLAAD folks, who like PETA seldom miss an opportunity to glom onto someone famous, have seen fit to take the late-night obnoxiousness seriously, and have released the following statement:
"These are not frivolous words, and to use them as if they are gives tacit sanction to the racism and homophobia they engender. Hilton has an obligation to go on the record, explain herself, and publicly apologize to the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) and African American communities and all those offended by these slurs."
First of all, I as a homosexual wish to openly disavow any connection whatsoever to GLAAD, or any other organization that purports to speak for me and others in the "gay community." I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself, thanks very much, and do not need a special interest group (whose sole reason for existing is to give a bunch of whining left-wing assholes a sense of power) demanding an apology on my behalf, or trying to guilt-trip me into feeling I should be offended by something I regard as mere stupidity. I, because I live in the real world and not the political one, was not bothered by anything Paris Hilton said - in fact, if the day ever comes when I take anything a person like Paris Hilton says, does or thinks seriously, I want someone to immediately put me out of my misery. A bullet in the back of the head should do it.
The problem with GLAAD and these other organizations is that they thrive on publicity - that's how they hoodwink people into giving them money - and because they are basically incapable of generating publicity on their own, they are forced to attach themselves to anything remotely controversial, and hopefully inflame said controversy to the point where they make their cause look terribly righteous and themselves terribly necessary to the continuing smooth functioning of society. Paris Hilton gets attention, and by attacking Paris, GLAAD gets attention too, and donations from rich people who think some really vital service is being performed by these clowns. It's a racket, and it thrives on the sham of political correctness. Well, political correctness be damned. I hope Paris runs around calling people faggots in public for years to come, just to irritate the self-righteous jack-off purveyors of euphemism and mealy-mouthed "sensitivity." Paris Hilton is what she is - an imbecile with a big fat mouth. But at least I know what Paris is, and knowing that, I can deal with her. The special interest charlatans and PC Gestapo are the ones who scare me, because of the way they hide behind words, and politics and their own allegedly socially conscious motives. Their use of Hilton's silly verbal indiscretion as a means of thrusting their agenda into the spotlight is sickeningly calculated and hopelessly predictable. Of course, I don't pretend to speak for all gays. I'm not that presumptuous. If people want to hate Hilton, that's their prerogative. However, I would hope that folks would be smart enough to look at this rationally, and not get caught up in a lot of knee-jerk nonsense. There are more important things going on in the world than dumb Paris Hilton tossing around some well-worn epithets, and by denouncing her, you only demonstrate your own frivolousness and need to get a life.
Nicky Hilton,
Paris Hilton