Britney Spears got on the crazy train awhile ago, and there's no indication that she has any desire to get off. In fact, the train may actually be speeding up.
On Saturday afternoon, Britney added more fuel to the inferno of speculation already raging over her mental state. Speaking to the Daily Mail, a source reports that Britney, a blue wig covering her baldness, entered the Mondrian Hotel on Sunset Boulevard Saturday at around one PM. She attempted booking a room for herself, but had no money or credit cards, only a scrap of paper with a partial credit card number printed on it. Britney is said to have been, "crying and apparently intoxicated," and saying over and over, "Nobody wants me anymore." She was so pathetic that, reportedly, a pair of kindly tourists took pity on her and invited her to their room. Britney then decided to take a dip in the pool, but had no bathing suit, so the tourists took her to the gift shop where she spent time trying on three different suits. Finally satisfied with her bathing attire, Britney then proceeded to the pool - where she began trying to shave her legs. Apparently she was unsuccessful in this attempt (owing to her inebriation, certainly), and finally gave up the pool for a chair at the hotel restaurant Asia of Cuba, where she had herself a bit of a rest. After this, she again attempted to get a room, but the hotel refused, perhaps out of concern that they would soon have their own Anna Nicole situation on their hands. Britney then tried getting a rental car, but alas, found this impossible as she had no I.D. on her person. She finally exited the hotel around 4 p.m., leaving the staff in a state of shock.
This latest round of wackiness comes of course on the heels of Britney's well-publicized public head-shaving-and-tattooing session, which followed a tumultuous week that saw the former pop-star entering rehab for a short time. Thanks again to the Daily Mail, we now know a bit more about the circumstances leading up Britney's apparent meltdown. On Wednesday of last week, Britney's mother Lynn reportedly staged an intervention after discovering her daughter sprawled on the floor, incapacitated, in the middle of the day. Lynn allegedly threatened to take Britney's children away if she didn't get herself into rehab, and Britney concurred, but of course, lasted less than 24 hours in the Crossroads facility in Antigua. This led to a tremendous fight between Lynn and Britney over the phone, after which Britney jetted to L.A., and we all know what happened then.
And then there's this assessment of Britney's bizarre behavior, coming from a friend:
[Britney] feels rejected in her marriage and that her music career is really on the skids. She watched the Grammys recently - not so long ago she would have been up there on stage, now that seems like a distant memory. ... She feels a failure professionally and unloved in her personal life. It's as if she is getting a kick out of doing increasingly erratic things just to see how the public and media react. ... Sadly, she is getting confused by what she sees as adoration, when it's actually her fans reacting in horror.
Crabbie has a few observations: 1) Britney's behavior at the hotel, trying to check in without a credit card, and accepting the kindness of those two tourists - it sounds to me like Britney is utterly incapable of taking care of herself. Without her handlers to make arrangements, she can't even check herself into a hotel or rent a car. 2) Lynn Spears is a day late and a dollar short. 3) How much does Britney really care about her kids, if she would react the way she did to Lynn's ultimatum? She didn't even make it a day in rehab? Sounds to me like Britney wants her kids taken away, maybe because she can't handle the burden. The postpartum depression theory is starting to gain some credibility, in my opinion. 4) I don't see, after all this, how Britney can keep the kids if Federline seriously pursues custody. As a matter of fact, I think they'd be better off with Federline. He may be a dipshit, but he seems like a stable dipshit. 5) Is it possible that Federline was the only thing standing between Britney and total meltdown? 6) At least Federline seems to realize that he's a joke, and is just having a good time with it. Britney is deluded the same way Michael Jackson is - she thinks everyone still loves her, when in fact, they're mortified by her. 7) I will never compare Lindsay Lohan to Britney Spears again. Lindsay may be nuts, but she at least seems to have some clue. Spears lost whatever clue she had awhile ago.