Thursday, February 1, 2007
Reese And Ryan Back Together (Sorta)
Estranged couple Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe get back together - to attend a school play starring one of their kids. All right, so they're not reunited. And I'm sure there are some of you who are bummed about that. I, however, could not be more thrilled that the two remain separated. Ryan is, quite simply, way too good for that little Keebler elf Witherspoon. And I don't care if she won an Oscar while he remains basically a third-rate actor. Oscar, Schmoscar. They give those things out like candy. Marisa Tomei has one for God's sake. It's irrelevant that Reese is far more successful. What matters is that Ryan is the hotness, while Reese looks like the one pissed-off Munchkin who was in league with the Wicked Witch.