It took Britney Spears all of a day to decide she didn't care for her new Yul Brynner 'do and reach for a wig. A cheap blonde wig. Which doesn't disguise the fact that she's bald, but only draws more attention to it. I'm sort of bummed about this. I mean, I thought Britney's new look had potential - she could've developed a whole new hard-core persona to go with it, and basically just told the world to go fuck itself (which is what she needs to do). But obviously Britney isn't ready for that. All the people who were saying the head-shaving marked a new beginning in Britney's life - well, obviously, she wasn't too thrilled about the new beginning because she almost immediately attempted to go back. Just like when she checked into rehab, then checked out again less than a day later. Girl is confused. She doesn't know who or what she wants to be. It's like she's been made-over so many times that there's no real Britney left, just this endless succession of false images, coming more rapidly all the time.

Crabbie leaves you with a line from Nietzsche: "The mother of excess is not joy but joylessness."
And a spot of advice for Britney: Just leave it all behind. All of it.