Who is that gay-looking penguin-man in the striped trousers? Why it's none other than rock and roll legend Sir Elton John. My my - doesn't Mr. Elton look vexed. What ever could've happened to put him in such a state? Did his wig-glue come unstuck? Is his girdle pinching?
As a matter of fact, Sir Elton is mad for a rather familiar reason. You see, Sir Elton thinks that, because he's a rock and roll legend, everyone in the world is supposed to kiss his ass at all times. And when people don't kiss his ass - well, Sir Elton gets a might put-out. It's something we've seen before - at airports, in studios, and pretty much anywhere else on earth Elton appears. Some little thing doesn't go Elton's way, and Elton pitches a fit worthy of a four-year-old.
It happened again the other evening after the Concert for Diana. Elton, already perturbed after technical problems forced him to cut short his show-closing set at Wembley Stadium, became positively filled with rage when security forced him to leave his car and walk 50 long yards to the dressing rooms, which were being housed inside Wembley Arena. It's understandable of course that security there would be especially tight - after the thwarted London car-bombings, and the flaming SUV attack on Glasgow Airport; and of course given the presence of Princes William and Harry. Sir Elton, however, did not find the precautions understandable at all, and reportedly screamed the following after being told he could not be driven all the way in to the arena:
Get out of my fucking way. Don't you know who I am? I've been working all fucking day and I need to get to my fucking dressing room.
The policeman did not give in, and Elton was forced to hoof it.
Thankfully the Princess Diana concert went off without incident - it would've been a crying shame to see leading lights of our time like Elton John get blown up by terrorists.