Monday, July 16, 2007

Posh Calls American Women Tasteless Slags

Fashion icon Victoria Beckham has criticized American stars for not glamming themselves up enough. Said Poshy in an interview with the LA Times:

They dress down quite a lot here, don't they?. It seems to be in keeping to go to Starbucks in tracksuit bottoms and Ugg boots. ... I have one pair [of tracksuit bottoms] for non-photographic opportunities only. Underground car parks are fine, but aside from that, no.

I say bravo Poshy - couldn't agree with you more babe. American stars: you're stars - now start acting like it. Stop leaving the house looking like you just rolled out of bed and threw on whatever happened to be draped over the back of your Barcalounger. Especially you women. I'm sick of seeing pictures of you at Ralph's in sweats and tank-tops - throw on some Valentino when you're going out shopping for God's sake, and a pair of metallic leather lined Sergio Rossi pumps. Don't you have any freaking pride?
