Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Foxy Brown Is Going To Jail
Alleged rapper Foxy Brown has been sentenced to three months in Riker's Island for violating her probation. Brown, whose real name is Inga Marchand (I'd go with Foxy Brown too), was originally given the probation by judge Melissa Jackson for a 2004 incident in which she attacked a pair of manicurists. That probation was set to expire this year, but was extended by judge Jackson after Foxy left New York without permission in March, winding up in Broward County, Florida where she was arrested after throwing stuff at a beauty shop employee and scuffling with a police officer. The judge's decision to send Foxy to jail stems from a couple of recent incidents, including one where Brown allegedly hit a neighbor in the face with a Blackberry. The news that she would be going to the clink reportedly shocked Brown, whose lawyer apparently did not expect such a decision.
This all comes a few days after Brown herself claimed, in court, that she was pregnant and planned on getting married. Again, as with Nicole Richie, the old "I'm knocked-up and getting married" defense carried zero water whatsoever. I'm guessing that, when Foxy is carted off to Riker's Island, there will not be helicopters following her like when Paris was sent to jail. Just another example of the old double-standard.
Foxy Brown