Meddling twit Angelina Jolie has flown to Iraq to "witness firsthand" the humanitarian crisis taking place there. The actress, in her capacity as a UN spokesperson, arrived in Damascus, Syria on Monday, and met with some displaced Iraqis (who no doubt begged her to adopt them). She then crossed the border into Iraq and poked around in a refugee camp currently housing about 1200 people. Jolie also "met privately" with troops in the area. Uh-huh. Yeah baby. What the fuck am I talking about?
Here was Jolie's official statement:
I have come to Syria and Iraq to help draw attention to the humanitarian crisis and to urge governments to increase their support for UNHCR and its partners. My sole purpose in both countries is to highlight the plight of those uprooted by the war in Iraq.
Yes Angie - you have drawn attention to the humanitarian crisis. Now everyone is going to be talking about it because of you. Actually, no - they're not going to talk about the crisis; they're only going to talk about you. Because whenever you do something, you yourself are the central issue. Maybe that's not the way you want it to be, but that's the way it is. The refugees and other downtrodden people will always finish second to you, and what you're wearing, and what Brad thinks of all this, and how noble some people find you to be, and how phony and self-serving others accuse you of being. So, in all honesty, isn't this "calling attention to the crisis" thing really just a crock of shit? It doesn't work when the star doing the attention-calling, by her very presence, overshadows the crisis. Sorry, but this is the fatal flaw in the whole celebs shining a light on the world's troubles argument. That way of helping isn't any help. The star ends up getting publicity, and the poor refugees end up still eating dirt.